
Step 1: The Call to Adventure

The hero is confronted with the opportunity to leave behind everything that he or she is accustomed to and go on an adventure.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1, Episode 12

For Aang, an airbender (one who can manipulate air currents), the call to be the Avatar is something that he is born into. He is told by the priests that he is the reincarnation of the Avatar, and that he will be the one to maintain/restore balance to the world.

In the same episode, we learn of Zuko’s origins. Zuko is a firebender and the prince of the Fire Nation. His call to adventure comes in the form of a command. After speaking out of turn in a meeting between the Fire Nation generals and Zuko’s father, the Fire Lord, Zuko is banished from the kingdom. His redemption lies in the hope of tracking down the Avatar–the one threat to the Fire Nation’s control over the other kingdoms.

Step 2: Refusal of the Call

When the hero is approached with the option of leaving on an adventure, he or she often is hesitant and tries to avoid the journey.

Season 1, Episode 12

Aang notices that all of his friends at the air temple treat him differently once he is announced as the new Avatar. That, on top of the stress of needing to keep the world in balance, causes Aang to leave the air temple and run away from his responsibility and obligation.

The character Sokka is often in a state of refusal. As one of the only characters in the show that can not manipulate the elements, he is reluctant to accompany his sister and Aang on their journey to study the bending arts. You can see Sokka refusing the call in the first couple of episodes of season one, but he is often skeptical throughout the entire series.

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